Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Obsession with excuses

It could be true  that Bin Laden was killed? it could still be possible that he was killed long back and the present news is just a spin off to distract the peoples from the ongoing economic crisis; or some stunts for the up-coming elections in USA. Conspiracy theorist will argue that it is also very likely that the highly sophisticated Navy SEALS killed a Bin Laden who might have been buried in his death bed, old, unarmed,injured and possibly with a dialysis unit attached with him(that explains the NO RESISTANCE claim by CIA). Whatever in its format, has the world suddenly became MORE SAFE after Bin Laden is dead? Why then we still remove our shoes at airports?Why then our Google searches covertly monitored... what we buying, where and with whom we spend the last evening, where we swiped our credit cards, which wireless tower detected our last activity are all carefully recorded somewhere .We killed Bin laden(?) but left our life tangled into more chaos.. we lost our freedom and we authorized someone else to monitor our life in the name of national security... this is no win! We drained trillions of dollars in past 10 years fighting terrorism world wide while making this country poor and poorer. We lost jobs,crashed real estate,bankrupted companies and soared taxes sky high... they kept justifying and we keep on trusting them, in the HOPE FOR A CHANGE.. and now we credited ourselves to China, Japan and others...This is not a win? this is not freedom either. We devastated other countries in name of curbing terrorism, bombed their cities, turned their once beautiful land into rubble.. we lied to peoples to legitimize wars for our vested interest that well could have been avoided by peaceful means.... we killed terrorist, true.. we also killed thousand of innocent men, women and children in crossfire, ... and we got away with ease saying "sorry" or paying few hundred dollars compensation. We hardly talk about these collateral damages that devastated families, created orphans and widow. We created hatred across the globe, we ruthlessly destroyed regimes whom we once supported with money and arms.. and now we call them terrorist whom we used to call as allies ! We supported rulers till they obeyed our orders,worked in our interest and then didn’t took us long to  overthrew these same peoples when our agenda was questioned or violated. We change our words so fast, we kept promises that didn’t worth even a dime...  we bribed media to upload the news we want to propagate, we weaved news to marginalize our political agenda, we use our political agendas to blind-fool our peoples who trusted us with the hope that we will lead the way in the right direction. We walk suited in conference and we stand up over the podium and say.. Bin Laden in dead... but is really the world a safe place now? What we lost to achieve these victories? this is surely not humane. We allowed corporate to rule our lives, what we wear where we should spend and how much we should drive or even on the color of our favorite car; what drugs we should take and whether or not we should even be allowed to have a heath insurance.. we allowed these same corporates to turn our green meadows and clean water into poisonous bins... we spilled oils and slaughtered millions of innocent creatures, we polluted the air and punctured the ozone layer.. we did all that we ourselves pledged never to do.. yet we did. We mercilessly stole this planet from our future generations, filled their air with toxins.. its seems much easier to get an iPod for our kids than to spot them a butterfly anymore .. somewhere we lost our green paradise and replaced them with high-risers. We got away with everything and still we feel more threatened by bunches of turbaned folks sitting on some mountainous terrain in Afghanistan... we got away from our problems telling that those peoples are responsible for everything  odd in our life! Our inflation, our soaring fiscal deficits our poor GDP or even the falling share prices.. we blamed everything from ...drought to flood, forest fires in California to tornadoes in Florida on these bands of terrorist. We successfully made people to believe the price for a 47$ barrel of oil as $147 while we shamelessly posted gigantic corporate profits and gave the CEO millions on bonus when a third of our most productive youths wandered un-employed on the streets. We made billions on energy & oil sectors and created domino effect and crisis even before  the oil been drilled out! We fought trillion dollar wars half way across the globe to restore world peace,  and yet there are gun shots everyday at our own backyards... gang fights that kills hundreds of our teenagers even before they could have their first date. We drugged the nation with most viable get -away reasons.. yet we failed miserably to stop trafficking the drugs across our borders. We are intelligent and we are powerful so no one dare question our motives.. and we kept on doing and supporting the wrong causes. We tried to find out a short term solution for a long term problem.. worst we knew it would never work. We created terrorist in factories of our hatred and mis planning... we hardly ever tried to reason what turns someone into a terrorist. We fought so hard to eliminate terrorism yet we never did anything to question the metamorphosis of these men . We tried to kill the vine by chopping few tentacles! We understand well that peoples who has nothing to loose will surely turn into violent fugitives.. yet we never made an effort to secure there future.... we got so blind in exploiting others that we missed out completely the facts that we are creating violent underwater ripples of hatred somewhere... as we missed out to acknowledge that there are more henerious crimes committed at Wall streets than on the mountains of Tora-bora or streets of Basra. We allowed these poor governance to go on and on for decades and created gulf in our own societies.. we created handful of peoples who controls everything  in our lives... while I don’t say that all rich peoples are bad, but essentially almost all bad peoples are either rich or very influential. We allowed these peoples to thrive in our society. They are not harmful (or do they) ! after all they don’t wear turbans and they don’t hide in caves in Afghanistan. They ride S-class and fly in private jets ! yet they are the ones who tainted our foods, adulterated the milk, earned billions in profit knowingly that drugs they sell can cause cancer or shamelessly looted our life savings in Ponzi scheme . We arm the wrong peoples to fight wrong wars and yet we talk about world peace... the peace that we want to achieve while our military spending's are quadruple of our healthcare budget!    We mis-planned in Middle East,supported the regimes in Egypt ,Turkey, Syria and allowed Pakistan to go nuclear.. all because we want something from them then. We talk of protecting civilian rights and pound in places where there are resource... yet we hardly talk of genocides in Dafur, Rwanda or Ivory coast! We really screwed everything possible to worsen the society... and yet we all are relieved when Osama is dead. Because we felt that Osama minus world is now a safe heaven ! We got an incredible tool  to hide and blame all our incompetency. Suddenly our impotent brain got a surge for excuse. Yet somewhere covertly we are still creating another Osama because we are so intoxicated with power that we need to sponsor some of our proxy agenda to feed our greed. Till we stop these vicious cycles of hopeless governance and malpractices, we will continue to be frisked at airport and remove our shoes.. this is not a safe  place yet , not even  in the absence of Osama... this is no win either. Or do they?


  1. Nice start. Keep it up.
    The problem lies much deeper. Chanting the mantra of peace does not guarantee peace. That's why all the countries, even in pre-historic times used to maintain army. You can listen Obama's speech in Oslo while accepting his Noble prize.

    It is not that only rich and powerful people are corrupt or take "bad" decisions that hurt our society. Poor or less powerful people are no more honest either (trend-wise). They simply do not have either courage or opportunity or both. A clerk or peon or doctor or scientist or police so same corruption appropriate to their ability and/or courage. It will be naive to think that such "less important" people and their "insignificant" scale of corruption or dishonesty have no impact on our society. In reality, such smaller corruption have more impact on our society, as they pave way for bigger corruptions. If you elect a petty peon to become a mighty politician or minister, his/her
    ambition and activities to do corruption will increase proportionally.
    Just one example: 2G scam famous A Raja was a "poet" during his earlier days!

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